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Compare Credit Card Debt Relief Solutions

High-interest rate credit card debt can be nearly impossible to pay off with traditional monthly payments. Juggling multiple bills can be stressful and minimum payments barely make a dent in your balances, even when you diligently make payments month after month. If you want to get out of debt, you need to find a solution that makes it easier to pay off your balances.

First, let’s look at how much time, money, and energy your debt is costing you as you try to pay it off. Use this calculator to see how long it will take you to pay off your credit card debt with minimum payments. Enter your total current balance and average interest rate. If you don’t know how your minimum payments are calculated, 3 percent of the balance is standard for most cards.

As you can see, high-interest rates aren't doing you any favors. What's more, if any of your accounts are behind, you may also be facing late fees and penalty interest. It can feel like you'll be in debt forever—and if you stick to minimum payments, you could be!
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Solutions that Make It Easier to Get Out of Debt

Credit card debt relief solutions make it easier to become debt-free. Some solutions focus on helping you minimize interest so you can save time and money. Others focus on getting you out of debt for as little money as possible, so you can get a fresh start faster.

Here’s a quick side-by-side comparison of the solutions that can connect you with:

How it works
Best for…
Balance transfer credit card
Consolidate credit card balances at 0% APR so you can pay off debt interest-free
People with excellent credit with good cash flow in their budget
Debt consolidation loan
Consolidate credit cards and other debts at low APR and enjoy fixed monthly payments
People with good credit who just need lower interest rates
Debt management program
Set up a repayment plan through a credit counseling agency to reduce or eliminate interest charges
People who want to pay off debt in full to avoid credit damage, but who can’t consolidate effectively on their own
Debt settlement
Settle debt for a fraction of what you owe to get out of debt faster
People who just want to get out of debt faster, even if it may cause credit damage
Work with a state-licensed attorney to discharge your debt as quickly as possible
People who need a fresh financial start

Finding the Right Solution

People often don’t know what options are available for debt relief until they’re already in debt and need them. That can make for a steep learning curve at a time when you need fast, decisive action. helps you bridge the gap by helping you get informed about these solutions. Our team provides a free evaluation to see where you stand and then we recommend solutions based on your needs, credit, and budget. You can learn which options are available to you from a qualified professional, get answers to all your questions, and then connect with the solutions that will work best in your situation. only works with companies that are members of nationally accredited trade organizations, like the American Fair Credit Council. These companies offer proven results and adhere to’s strict code of ethics.
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Compare Options for Credit Card Debt Relief

There’s more than one way to get out of credit card debt. This comparison calculator will show you how the three most popular debt solutions compare versus the minimum payments that you’re making now. Simply enter your total credit card debt and the average interest rate on your credit cards to see how much you can save with the right debt relief option.

Learn more about the solutions that help you get out of debt

Balance transfers

Balance transfer credit cards are specifically designed to consolidate existing credit card debt. These credit cards offer low-interest rates on balance transfers—many have 0% APR periods where no interest applies to transferred balances. This gives you time to pay off your debt interest-free, which allows you to eliminate the balance much faster.

Balance transfers work best for consumers who have a high credit score. The 0% APR period typically lasts from 6-24 months. Excellent credit allows you to qualify for the longest 0% APR period possible, which gives you more time to pay it off interest-free. Your goal should be to pay off the entire consolidated balance during the interest-free period.

Recommended debt amount: Less than $5,000
Fees: Balance transfer fees up to 3-5% of each balance transferred
Time to payoff: 6-24 months

Debt consolidation loans

A consolidation loan is an unsecured personal loan that you take out to pay off existing debt. You qualify for a low-APR loan based on your credit score. Then you use the funds to pay off your credit card sand other debts. This leaves only the loan to repay.

Debt consolidation loans work best when you have good credit. This allows you to qualify for the lowest interest rate possible, as well as a high enough debt amount that you can pay off all your other debts. You need to have a steady income and good cash flow, so you can save money for emergencies and avoid putting unexpected expenses on credit.

Recommended debt amount: Less than $25,000
Fees: Loan origination fee of up to 1% of the loan amount
Time to payoff: 24-60 months
Credit impact: Positive

Debt management program

A debt management program is a type of assisted debt consolidation that you set up through a nonprofit credit counseling service. It provides the same benefits that you get with debt consolidation—it combines all your debts into one monthly payment at the lowest interest rate possible.

The difference is that a debt management program doesn’t require new financing, so you can consolidate even if you have bad credit or too much debt to qualify for a loan. The credit counseling team works with your creditors to reduce or eliminate interest charges and stop penalties. This makes it easier to pay off your debt in full, so you won’t damage your credit.

Recommended debt amount: $10,000-$100,000+
Fees: Monthly administration fee set based by the state where you reside, average $49
Time to payoff: 36-60 months
Credit impact: Positive or neutral

Debt settlement

This solution is all about getting you out of debt for the least amount possible. A debt settlement company negotiates with your creditors on your behalf to get them to accept the lowest possible percentage of what you owe. Instead of worrying about interest rates and fees, you pay back a fraction of the balance that you owe.

Debt settlement is ideal for debts that are past-due or already in collections. If you’re struggling to catch up after a period of financial hardship caused by events like unemployment or divorce, this can be the best solution to get back on track. While it will cause some damage to your credit score, you may be in a situation where it makes sense to accept some credit damage in exchange for getting out of debt faster for as little as possible

Recommended debt amount: $10,000-$100,000
Fees: Settlement fees of up to 5% of the amount settled; fees are only charged once a debt is settled successfully
Time to payoff: 24-48 months
Credit impact: Negative (7-year penalty)


When debt gets so overwhelming that you can’t reasonably afford to pay everything back, it may be time to consider bankruptcy. You work with a state-licensed attorney to discharge your debts through the courts. This gives you a fresh financial start so you can focus on rebuilding.

There are two types of personal bankruptcy—Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. With Chapter 7, you liquidate any assets that don't qualify for an exemption and the proceeds are used to pay off your creditors. With Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the court sets up a 3 or 5-year repayment plan for you. Once you complete the plan, your remaining balances are discharged.

Recommended debt amount: Any debt amount
Fees: Filing fees of $310-$335 (depending on Chapter); plus fees for pre-bankruptcy counseling and debtor education; attorney fees
Time to payoff: Chapter 7 takes 90-120 days; Chapter 13 takes 3-5 years
Credit impact: Negative (7-year penalty for Chapter 13 and 10-year penalty for Chapter 7)

Get a Free Evaluation to Find the Best Solution for You

Talk to a qualified debt relief specialist todiscover which solution will work best in your situation. will match youwith the right solutions, then connect you with a top-rated company that will help you get out of debt as quickly as possible.

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DISCLAIMER - does not provide direct debt adjustment services, but, upon request, acts as a locator service for BBB registered companies. It is ultimately up to you to determine whether the companies that we may introduce you to are appropriate for your situation. For debt consolidation programs, where permissible by law, companies may charge a one-time enrollment fee typically from $25 up to $75 for account establishment and for debt relief proposals submitted on your behalf to each of your creditors. Monthly program administration fees will vary from $5 but no greater than $75 depending on your state of residence and/or the number of creditors who agree to accept proposals and become enrolled in the program. Fees subject to change if permissible by law. For debt settlement programs, by law, you may not be charged any fee until a debt settlement is arranged on your behalf, you approve the settlement, and at least one payment is made towards the settlement. Each program offered by independent financial service providers is unique so ask them for their complete details of the program and fees.

Not all consumers are able to complete debt relief programs for various reasons, including their ability to save sufficient funds. The use of debt resolution services could negatively impact your credit and may result in legal action on the part of creditors or collectors for unpaid balances. Consumers enrolled in debt consolidation programs who fail to adhere to the terms of their debt management plan (DMP) may forfeit the benefits of debt relief and revert to the terms of their original creditor agreements. Read and understand all program materials prior to enrollment. Please contact a debt relief specialist for complete program details.

Your debt relief analysis and savings estimate is free, will not affect your credit, and you are under no obligation to enroll in, or purchase, any product or service.